Greenhushpriset Fear of being accused of greenwashing has caused many companies to avoid talking about their climate work. But if solutions to the climate crisis are hidden in silence, no climate crisis will be solved. The Greenhush Prize is intended to encourage companies to turn up the volume and produce honest and relevant sustainability […]
Proethos Fond Campaign work for Proethos Fond, a savings fund with the objective to reduce carbon emissions. Based on the existing communication concept Klimatkapitalism (Climate Capitalism). This SoMe-driven campaign is based on common sayings and proverbs revolving money and greed. All reversed and remixed to generate attention, but also to explain the general idea […]
Artistic Freedom Watch Artistic Freedom Watch is a platform for continuously collecting data in order to get a more complete and aggregated picture of the restrictions on Artistic Freedom (and Freedom of Expression) that are made in Sweden. Anonymized data will be used for analyses, reports, seminars. Brought to you by Konstnärernas Riksförbund. The […]
White H22 Concept and content work for White Architects’ activities at the H22 City Expo. The project included developing the communication concept Embrace The City—inspired by the people and life in Helsingborg. We were also involved in more strategic work revolving content and activities for the physical exhibition as well as online material. Collaborative work […]
Levande bilder—levande stad Book design for Levande bilder—levande stad, an anthology edited by Geska Helena Brečević & Annika Wik. The book is a summary of the project Smart Kreativ Stad (2015–2020) and is based on contributions from multiple writers. The graphic pattern is a representation of the city, the lights, and the movement. The book has sections of […]
Film Capital Stockholm Strategy/Re-branding work for Film Capital Stockholm—an organisation strengthening production of film, TV-drama and moving images in the Swedish capital region. The new logo and identity are based on the concept of frames; Film Capital Stockholm being the enabler and creating the frameworks for projects to evolve within. The flag reference + the […]
Smart Kreativ Stad Smart Kreativ Stad is a project focusing on moving imagery, digital media, innovation and urban development in Stockholm from 2015–2020. It is brought to the citizens of Stockholm by Film Capital Stockholm (in collaboration with members and partners within the industry). The identity was based on graphic interpertations of light- and soundwaves—all adding colour and […]